Ok, so I am teaching my son to cook, when I come across this word. In the receipe they ask me to "temper" the egg.
I had no idea, so of course we went to google and looked it up.
We were making a home made Baked Macaroni and Cheese. The cheese sauce was boiling hot, and we were suppose to add an egg. Well if you think about adding the egg to a very hot mixture, you will end up with scrambled eggs! Not something you want in Mac~n~Cheese. So this is what you do. In a small bowl you wisk your egg, then you spoon some of your hot mixture in slowly, while still wisking, then you add another spoonful, wisk some more and another, until you feel comfortable that the mixture will blend well and add the contents of you small bowl, into the hot mixture! and this is how you Temper!